Sin and sex

One thing I could never understand in Christianity is the idea of child being born from sin, being born as a sinner and if the child dies before it’s christened it’ll be doomed to Hell for the rest of the Eternity.
As if G-d in all one’s wisdom decided that sex is how human beings reproduce (in general) G-d wouldn’t consider it as a sin and even less would judge completely innocent human being (the baby) because one’s parents may have sinned – otherwise one could say that G-d is one badly twisted entity.

I am aware that by saying that I actually do the same thing I despise in fundamentalists, who say they know what G-d meant with something and are therefore permitted to judge other human beings to the purgatory.
As I see it that if anything is a sin. Claiming to know what G-d has had in mind when creating something. Anyway, that is not the topic for today.

Sex. Fun thing, great way to relax, create deeper bonds (*grin*) between partners and, of course, to reproduce. Both Judaism and I agree.
Sex between committed (/married) couple is not a sin, but actually recommended!
What makes me like Judaism even more is that marital sex is wife’s marital right, not husband’s and woman can file for divorce based on lack of sex (of course she has to be reasonable). And husband has to think of his wife when he’s booking a business trip, as you’re not allowed to keep your wife “starving” too long…
Birth control is allowed (exclusing condoms, but there’s also this thing called reasoning), abortion is allowed, even required if pregnancy or giving birth would risk mother’s life.
Most important of all: you are allowed, actually you are encouraged, to enjoy your sexuality and share it freely with the person you love without the need of being afraid being struck by lightning because you are an evil sinner… 8)

I know there are people who don’t understand why I have to mix up sex and religion, but for me it’s obvious: craving for both come from my soul and heart, and they both feed my soul and heart – and I could never identify myself with a religion which has differing views with mine in any area of life. And let’s face it: sex is important.

Shabat shalom (in advance).

And now for something completely different.

..originally I created this blog just to be able to comment to one person’s blog, but I found usage to this.

My primary blog is more or less about love and interpersonal relationships.
And sooner or later there seem to come day when I may need another blog. This is it.

This will be blog about converting. “Pagan’s” long way trough denying gods to finding G-d, and finding that religion which I agree with.

And that was the easy part. I’m only in the beginning of my journey, as my conversion will take years.

When ever I’m able to begin it.